Another thing is the birth date. What about pre-mature babies and babies born through C-Section. In these cases isn't it the discretion of the doctor to decide when to deliver the baby? This will further screw up the horoscope won't it?.
People see horoscope match because everyone around them do it and they just want to play it safe. If anyone tells this aloud he/she will be branded as being confused and a rebel. What a humbug!!
Actually, I love horoscopes, I mean not the marriage ones, but the general ones. Not that I believe in them, but it is kind of fun - atleast they always say something positive! :-)
DD said...
Nice argument CK. The "planets" in astrology or horoscope would have sun and moon counted in. Guess they just mean heavenly bodies and not literally planets.
To me, astrology or horoscope seems a science and maths - not just a blind belief, to help you plan with some certainity or foresight.
Skely said...
So with whom did your hosroscope did not match :).
Also, different astrologers interpret the same horoscope in different ways...
Don't worry buddy, just change the astrologer.
ck said...
read this article in the on the 'validity of astrology'.
It has some good arguments which question the assertion that astrology is a science. Especially read the 'Forer Effect' It explains why people feel what they read in the horoscope section as true.