To Overestimate is to overrate one's skills and ability, to expect more from oneself and keep slogging till one reaches one's seemingly unreachable goals.
1. The one will be called ambitious if he/she succeeds.
2. A success will boost one's confidence and take him/her to higher levels.
1. The one will be called vain if he/she fails.
2. A failure will bruise his ego and put a dent in his confidence.
To Underestimate is to set the bar short so that, one will never fail in what they set out to do. To be contended in what one has right now and not wish for anything higher or harder for the fear of failure.
1. Never fail, coz you didn't try anything harder.
2. Seemingly contented life void of disappointments.
1. Never fail, coz you didn't try anything harder.
2. won't have any interesting stories to tell to grandchildren :(
Though almost everyone will claim that its better to overestimate that underestimate, sub-consciously most of us tend to underestimate. No body wants to fail. Its so natural and ingrained ourselves. It takes a lot of determination and character to break out of this web and try. I read in The Alchemist,"The World will conspire to help those who follow the path of their calling". I wish its true.
Skely said...
ck said...
I just did skely, Its time to update yours too.